Narrator: [Health and Safety at Work

Prevention Starts Here

But It Doesn’t End Here]

Jessica: My name is Jessica DiSabatino  and 13 years ago my little brother David was working his second day at a job at a bakery.

And after being pulled head first into the machine, he was subsequently killed.

And since that time my family has been working hard to bring the message of workplace health and safety to as many people as we possibly can.

Narrator: [Prevention starts here, but it doesn’t end here]

Jessica: The online learning module that you are about to complete was developed for workers, supervisors and employers.

It explains your rights and responsibilities on the job and tells you what Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act expects from employers, supervisors and workers.

Narrator: [On screen, workers are having discussions and taking safety precautions such as using guards, wearing protective gear and cleaning hands]

Jessica: It will show you the things you need to know and understand so that you can be safe at work today and every day.

Narrator: [Worker using Personal Protective Equipment, worker discussions taking place amongst colleagues]

Jessica: Everyone in the workplace  from the employer to the newest worker has different but important duties to keep the workplace safe.

Because employers have the most authority in the workplace, they have the greatest responsibility.

Preventing injuries and illnesses at work start here with the things you will learn in this module. But it doesn't end here.

We hope you find the module informative and engaging and will use what you learn here every day of your working life.

Thank you for taking the time to review this very important information.

Narrator: [Prevention starts here, but it doesn’t end here]